Kendra Lust squirted from the bartender's crooked cock on the bar counter

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  • 07:59
  • 31.12.2023
  • 66
  • 105480
  • 0
«The bar was empty and quiet, the milf was sitting at the counter and thinking about whether she liked the bartender to approach him or not. While the lady was having such thoughts, the macho man himself decided to take the initiative in his own hands, without waiting for the miss to dare to take decisive action. In order not to go far, we had sex right on the bar counter. It was hard and cold, frankly speaking, not the most convenient place for this kind of entertainment. However, this did not prevent the beast from not only cumming, but also abundantly squirting half of the room. We had a great time, and we drank and had sex, we will need to repeat it," a satisfied chick decided to herself.»

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