The doctor fucked the libertine in the ass, saving her from frostbite

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  • 33:07
  • 02.06.2023
  • 135
  • 153000
  • 1
«A very depraved, but not too smart beauty danced a striptease near the bus stop, using a road sign instead of a pole. As a result, the ass stuck to the pole, and the chick herself was taken to the hospital with frostbite. It was necessary to save her urgently and an experienced doctor did not come up with anything better than to fuck her in a point. Strangely, anal sex helped and soon there were not even red marks and bruises left on the buns.»

Comments: (1)

  • avatar
    U 20.11.2023 09:54:22 Reply

    Need this at my bus stop

  • avatar
    Saqi 03.06.2023 08:30:02 Reply

    So Swet Sex

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