The acquaintance on the sunny beach ended for Natalia Starr with unforgettable sex

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  • 48:33
  • 09.11.2022
  • 51
  • 55223
  • 0
«Walking along the sea coast, flooded with sunlight, Natalia Starr did not think about anything and felt unity with nature. At this moment, a bald man approached her, exchanging glances with whom chick experienced such a strong impulse to suck him that it was simply impossible to resist this urge. In the fresh air, the taste of horseradish seemed twice as delicious, but my underpants were already full of sea sand. Moving home to her new friend, the young lady rinsed her pussy in the shower and got ready to jump on a big and hard pussy, because she was not used to denying herself such small joys.»

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