Daisy got down and dirty with a horny black guy and liked how he fucked her

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  • 33:57
  • 29.12.2023
  • 57
  • 64013
  • 0
«The dream of a big black cock never lets go of this black-haired lady. As soon as she wakes up, the first thing she thinks about is how good it would be to suck a black dick. Dreams tend to come true sometimes, so heaven heard the poor girl's pleas, sending her an acquaintance with a black macho man. His dick really was a normal size, as it should be, but because why delay - she immediately dragged him into the bedroom and let's suck! Yes, I was so carried away that I was already covered in snot and saliva, completely forgetting about the recent sublimity and romanticism! Who cares about art when there's a dick?»

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